
aconn.irc on startup auto connects jIRCii to your most recent server connection [rza] auto join script phos
allegro.irc port of neuken's allegro IRC theme to jIRCii. Its phearsome pander
AMIP Windows only; Plugin for jIRCii adds DDE Support, MP3 Player Integration, and Flash window support. [Serge]
analog.irc another phearsome theme (screenshot); try out /anacolor era makes fun of AOL era
arsDiceRoller.irc Ars Magica Stress and Simple Dice (d10) roller tools Steinkel
autoserv.irc a versatile server connect script ceph
autotile.irc auto-tile windows feature ChOcO-Bn
away.irc basic away system hoff
awaysys.irc full featured away system for jIRCii phos
bg.irc adds a /switchBackground alias to set a random background image in jIRCii serbsy
bitchx.irc makes jIRCii look like BitchX (screenshot) `butane
brighten.irc adds aliases to brighten or darken the current color scheme. `butane
bnc.irc BNC Connect Script (works with BNC) Snick^ Chuck Norris quote script for jIRCii conceited
classloader a tool for scripters to load and use Java .jar files from scripts ewulf Alias/command creation and modification script for jIRCii ceph
dalnet.irc Useful commands/popups for DALnet users Snick^
dccforward.irc Easily forward dcc requests you receive to another client phos make jIRCii spit out fake version replies blue-elf
findfile.irc adds a findfile() subroutine similiar to mIRC's blue-elf
flash.irc makes inactive server tabs blink on various events `butane
fserve.irc an mIRC-style /fserve file server implementation for jIRCii `butane
fusion.irc a mIRC theme from pander, screenshot *uNF* pander
getops.irc script to make obtaining ops from a bot easier phos
google.irc adds a channel wide !google [string] search command blue-elf
grep.irc adds aliases for searching files/scripts for patterns blue-elf
growl-jIRCii.irc OS X only; see IRC notifications via growl drakx functions, docs, and examples for scripting user interfaces blue-elf
hist.irc echo window history on window creation (similar to Trillian) tijiez
|Hx| a neat look script meant to take jIRCii back to a text client Suffer
ignore.irc a feature-complete user ignore system for jIRCii with GUI blue-elf
ini.irc mIRC-like routines for working with .INI files blue-elf mircryption/fish/blow compatible encryption for jIRCii `butane full featured script with user lists, flood prot, etc.. over 5000 lines of code blue-elf A responsive bot ceph a Channel Central Dialog for jIRCii (similar to mIRC's) [Serge] Flashes jIRCii window on events with configurable interval [Serge] A GDS plugin to integrate jIRCii logs into Google Desktop Search [Serge] Allows jIRCii to connect through HTTP proxies [Serge] allows you to specify charset encoding on a per channel/nick basis [Serge] A script library that makes it easy to load/save a sleep data structure to XML [Serge] Windows only; adds system tray support to jIRCii [Serge]
mass.irc mass commands blue-elf
modeparse.irc adds op, deop, ban, unban, etc. events for scripters to hook into blue-elf
mp3request.irc make requesting mp3's easier `butane
mp3say.irc OS X only; adds /mp3say to announce current song `butane
mpx.irc MP3 Seeker GUI script for jIRCii blue-elf
msgfilter.irc filters messages so only those on a special friends list can /msg you phos
nc.irc adds "clickable nickname" based nick completion to jIRCii [Serge]
neo-jircii.irc a jIRCii look inspired by irssi and BitchX `butane plays a sound if you are idle and someone /msg's you `butane
notifyman.irc a notify manager system for jIRCii phos
oper.irc auto /oper on connect camo
orignick.irc alias to (re)gain a nickname phos
otto.irc a channel model automation script ceph
psybnc.irc BNC Connect Script (works with PsyBNC) Snick^
psybnc_support.irc fixes psybnc incompatabilities with jIRCii oracel
quote.irc a cool quote script for jIRCii (!addquote, !quote etc) phos a jIRCii look from the infamous ceelow; be sure to /theme crayon.thm included in the zip (screenshot) ceelow
sditopicbar.irc show channel topic/mode in jIRCii titlebar (for SDI mode) `butane
seen.irc a seen script for jIRCii i.e. !seen nickname phos
servertab.irc makes jIRCii show the appropriate network name in the server tabs phos
services.irc a set of popups to help make managing services easier for ircops AlphaVista
slurge.irc another jIRCii look from the infamous ceelow) (screenshot) ceelow
so.irc a port of the static!orange (old mIRC script by webba) look to jIRCii. pHEARsome. neuken
spellchk.irc A feature rich spell checker for the most commonly misspelled words. tijiez
tetris.irc A theme script with a unique look, pHEAR iT ceelow
textmods.irc a text modification script ceph
toolkit.irc Adds a built-in script editor / manager to jIRCii ewulf
tree.irc adds a /tree command to display your servers/chans `butane
tv.irc cosmetic port of tunnelvision BitchX script to jIRCii, see screenshot. pander
urlcatcher.irc adds a URL catcher feature to jIRCii ceph adds a userlist to jircii including autoop, auto kick, etc. phos a full-featured script with an intense style (screenshots -- it's cool) ceph old-school bITCH-X style script for jIRCii (still alpha quality) mexis
xdcc.irc xdcc file offer script `butane
xmms.irc Linux only; adds /xmms to announce current song Kingsqueak


crayon.thm the color theme from schizophrenic, blues and greys. ceelow
default.thm default jIRCii color scheme `butane
inferno.thm a orange-red color theme for use with neo-jircii.irc samrat
matrix.thm a color theme for use with neo-jircii.irc samrat
mIRC.thm white background, mIRC colors `butane

How do I write my own scripts?

Read the documentation available on the download page to learn how to write scripts for jIRCii.